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Stéphane de Freitas


28 years old Artist, Founder and President of the Indigo Cooperative


Stéphane de Freitas is an artist known under the pseudonym SdF, working on the concept of mixing opposites. His work is translated in painting, live performances, short films but also in messages he diffuses in his own typography.

«Indigo», one of his many concepts, stems from the harmonious mix of blue and red, colors that naturally oppose one another in our minds.



The Indigo Cooperative is a non profit organization (law of 1901), founded in 2012 by SdF. The organization’s projects innovate in the reflection and creation of social link. The aim is to improve living together, or the cohesion between diverse individuals, that, beyond their social and cultural differences, cultivate a common vision of citizen values. Through its projects, the non profit embodies the translation of this concept in the heart of everyday interactions.

The organization was notably distinguished in France through The Arenas, a program organizing discussion circles about collaborative society. The educational widespread program Eloquentia was also a success, introducing junior high school and university students to public speaking.

Indigo, the social media of mutual help, is a 3 year old project, aimed at reinforcing social fabric and facilitating help through a digital and collaborative tool. The collaborative platform enabling exchanges of goods and services between users, functioning thanks to a virtual currency, the Digo.